Many black women choose to wear straight hair, but they wonder can they straighten the curly hair? Of course, the answer is yes. You are able to use a thermal (hot) tool to straighten, curl, crimp, etc. No matter what textures human hair you are wearing, Brazilian curly hair, Peruvian curly hair, Malaysian curly hair can also be straightened. Today I will talk about how to straighten curly hair at home and the frequently asked questions about straighten hair.
Curls and waves are fun and exciting but can be hard to keep neat at times. A person with straight hair always looks attractive. Many people are reluctant to straighten their hair because they are afraid of causing damage, but with the proper equipment, products and techniques, you can achieve an amazing straight look without destroying your “virgin hair”. Follow me:
What You Will Learn:
•Many Black Women Choose to Wear Straight Hair, Why?
•Can you straighten curly Brazilian hair? •How to straighten curly hair at home? •Video of How to Straighten Curly Hair. •8 Care Tips for Naturally Straighten Hair. •Frequently asked questions about straighten hair. Many Black Women Choose To Wear Straight Hair, Why?
Hair is just one of the many things that black women have to defend themselves over on a consistent basis. Whether its braided hair, straight hair, red hair, or blue hair, black women are seemingly judged for it all.
Many women straighten their hair for any one of these four reasons:
Can You Straighten Curly Brazilian Hair?
Of course, the answer is yes.
No matter what textures human hair you are wearing, you can straighten it but the premise is that the hair is real human hair, because other materials, like synthetic hair, will be melted when heat it. Brazilian curly hair, Peruvian curly hair, and Malaysian curly hair can also be straightened. Some deep curly or wavy patterns may be challenging straightening because the curl pattern is so deep and it will take a long time. Your new virgin hair extensions can be styled like your hair. You are able to use a thermal (hot) tool to straighten, curl, crimp, etc. Keep in mind the hair does not have all the nutrients that a strand growing from your scalp will. Heat damage can cause breakage and dryness. Therefore, it is imperative that you use a heat-protecting product, always co-wash Virgin Hair, and protect it during sleep hours. How to Straighten Curly Hair At Home?
Depending on the length and thickness of ‘Virgin Hair’. Straightening it can be time-consuming, but it's also cost-effective and convenient.
The thing you will need: •A high-heat blow-dryer or flatiron •A great round brush •A good straightening product •Hair serum for a smooth, shiny finish. Here's How To Straighten Virgin Hair at Home, Step-By-Step:
1. Wash and condition your ‘virgin hair’. Use a gentle shampoo and a smoothing conditioner to prepare Virgin Hair for the straightening process. Straightening, no matter how gentle you are, are tough on the hair, so “babying” it with gentle hair-care products beforehand can help prevent more damage.
2. Towel dry your curly hair until it's more “damp” than “wet.” This means less time spent blow-drying Virgin Hair, and that's a good thing! Try a microfiber towel, which is gentler on the cuticle of the hair than regular towels. 3. Smooth a dime-size amount of a straightening cream, balm, gel, or lotion throughout the hair to get it ready for blow-drying and flat ironing. Make sure you don't overdo it; too much can make Virgin Hair limp instead of straight! 4. Using a round bristle brush, carefully pull your Brazilian hair straight as you blow. You can alternate between your blow-dryer's hotter and cooler settings to make sure you're not overheating your virgin hair. Keep doing this until you virgin hair is completely dry. Note: If you have very thick, curly hair, this can take a while! If you have a good round-brushing technique you can be done at this stage, but for lots of people, it takes a bit more effort to get the smooth, straight (but not too flat) look you want. But don't worry: Using the flatiron will get the job done. 5. NEVER use a flat iron on damp Malaysian hair—you must blow dry your virgin hair first. Using a flatiron on damp hair can lead to damage that literally breaks the hair because the temperature of the flatiron on damp hair can cause the water in the hair to literally boil, and then burst the hair shaft? 6. Put the top half of your virgin hair in a bun or clip it on top of your head. Divide the bottom half of your virgin hair into small sections about one to two inches wide. Using a comb, pull out a section of hair as taut as possible with one hand, while smoothing a flatiron along that section with the other. Start at the roots of the hair and move to the end in one fluid motion, then repeat a couple of times to make sure that section of hair is straight. After one section is done to your satisfaction, repeat the process on the other sections. 7. If you want a fuller look, apply a spray at the roots as you flatiron each section. 8. When the bottom part of your virgin hair is done, unclip the top part and begin working on those sections. Use a handheld mirror to check the back of your virgin hair in a separate mirror to make sure you didn't miss anything. 9. Care Tips For Naturally Straighten Hair The chemicals in straightening agents typically cause hair to lose its natural moisture, drying it out. For this reason, chemically straight hair care requires more maintenance to make it look naturally healthy and supple. What is more, you will need to bring back the nutrients sapped from you virgin hair during the procedure. Here are 8 of our care tips for ladies with naturally straight hair:
1. You Need Regular Shampoos
2. Be Careful With Conditioner 3. Get the Right Brush 4. Stretch your virgin hair. 5. If You Blow Dry, Use a Low Heat Setting 6. Use a Heat Protectant 7. Do Not Use a Flat Iron Set to Over 450F/232C 8. Check the Weather Report!! Frequently Asked Questions About Straighten HairIs it okay to straighten you virgin hair while it is wet?
Wet-to-dry straighteners might be quicker, but straightening wet hair must be damaging. True. Truer words were never spoken — you might cause severe damage to you virgin hair if you style or straighten it while it's still wet or damp. So be sure you always blow-dry your virgin hair before straightening.
Can I straighten my hair after I dye it?
Your new virgin hair extensions can be styled like your hair. You are able to use a thermal (hot) tool to straighten, curl, crimp. So, you can straighten you virgin hair after dye it. Keep in mind the hair does not have all the nutrients that a strand growing from your scalp will. Heat damage can cause breakage and dryness. Therefore, it is imperative that you use a heat-protecting product, always co-wash you virgin hair, and protect it during sleep hours.
How Often Can I Straighten My Hair?
Every day is a tad too much, and there is no specific, quantifiable amount of time that you should straighten your virgin hair. The best approach is to limit straightening for special occasions or when you are going out.
Again, it is important to understand that every person’s hair will respond differently to heat styling based on the particular state of the hair. And, don't straighten more than twice per month. What is the best temperature to straighten you virgin hair?
I think of straightening hair a bit like a game of Russian Roulette. You just never know how your curly or kinky hair will react to the intense heat of flat ironing, or which time you'll end up with heat damage, which is irreversible. Does that mean you should never straighten you virgin hair?
Absolutely not. Life is too short not to have fun with your virgin hair and take the occasional risk. If you're going to straighten, be strategic about it. Try to keep the flat iron temperature at or below 350 degrees. Use a good heat protection such as Organic Root Stimulation Olive Oil Heat Protection Serum. Is it harmful to straighten hair?
rThe answer is yes. It will cause hair loss, spit and other hair problems. So you should take care of your straightened hair. Otherwise, you can choose a “virgin hair” weave instead of dying, perming or straighten it. Whether you are looking for straight, wavy, body wave, or curly virgin Brazilian hair, now that you can always count on the hair extensions, weaves, and lace closures offered by Natural Virgin Hair
How to Straighten Virgin Curly Hair?
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August 2018