Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
Now a bit about the “Slavonic hairs”. It is hair of the Europeans who were born in Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Similar to other goods produced in Europe, the quality is superb however it comes at a greater expense. Because of a hairs of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus habitants’ gets to the market more often, Russian hairs, Ukrainian hairs and Belarus hairs named Slavic hair. However in fact the Slavic hair it there is the European hair.
European hair is not only difficult to find in significant quantity, but is generally too thin in diameter (especially blonde hair) to be of much use for hair extensions. Few European women would be willing to give up their hair to hair companies and, if it would be necessary for their hair to never have been chemically treated. Very unlikely………. Whatever the competition may claim.
Why are ‘European hairs’ so popular? Because these hairs are naturally elastic and silky. They are available in a variety of structures suitable for all tastes: soft and wiry, thin and thick, straight and curly. “European hair” can last up to ten years: and they do not lose their primary form. European hairs are also widely used for hair extensions and wigs. Thus it is important to remember: to keep extension hair beautiful and natural for a long time your hairdresser has to be a professional. High-quality production techniques must be used for the extension. You must take care of your hair correctly, regularly and carefully.
Available: Natural Straight, Natural Wavy, Natural Body Wave and Natural Deep Wave. Natural Curly is available for custom order.