Located in Southern Asia. It borders Pakistan, China, Nepal and Bangladesh.
Indian Hair originates from the Tirupati temples, where the women shave their hair as an offering to the gods. There are thousands of temples in India. Hindu pilgrims have donated their hair at holy temples throughout Southern India for centuries in an attempt to purify themselves and repay debt to their gods.
Tirumala Venkateswara, for example, attracts tens of thousands of pilgrims each day, making it the temple with the most hair donations in India. The temple features 18 shaving halls, but there are so many people waiting to donate their hair that women and young girls can wait for up to five hours to donate. At the temple, some 650 barbers sit in lines on the concrete floor and tie the women’s hair into ponytails before cutting it off. Once the large portions of hair are removed, the barbers use a razor to shave each pilgrim’s head, before dousing their head with water to wash away any blood. Features
Though most extensions made from China (artificial), Indian hair is more valuable since it is “naturally silkier/course and has never been treated with artificial dyes.” In many cases, the hair has never been subjected to anything more abrasive than coconut oil and herbal soap, and has sometimes never been cut before.
But what’s particularly upsetting too many is that the temples reap millions of dollars in profit from the pilgrims religious sacrifice, while the donors, many of whom are poor, never see so much as one cent for their hair. There are two forms of Indian Hair that you can get. The Indian Hair Remy and Virgin. Both Indian virgin and Remy hair which are unprocessed and comes in a natural form. Indian hair is thick and straight. The hair dries wavy. Indian Hair comes in very dark colors so be wary of lighter colors of Indian Hair. Verdict
Known most commonly as “temple hair,” these real human-hair extensions are available in many salons in Europe and the U.S., where they cost about $ 5000 each time they are put in. Despite the high price, many have opted to use these extensions since real extensions look and feel better than synthetic hair.
Indian Hair is good if you want shiny or course. Both options are available. It is very easy to straighten Indian hair. The hair is thick and coarse/silky. The virgin Indian Hair comes in dark colors and can have extremely long lengths. Indian Hair is good if you want to get natural textures like straight, wavy, loose wave, deep wave and body wave. They are sleek and shiny hair styles. Patterns
Available: Natural Straight, Natural Wavy, Natural Body Wave and Natural Deep Wave. Natural Curly is available for custom order